Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Andy Stanley

I am at the Exponential Conference in Orlando, Florida, where more than 2,000 have gathered to learn about church planting. This afternoon Andy Stanley shared on the topic, "Making Vision Stick".

Here are a few notes from Andy.
Mental Picture of what could be fueled by passion of what should be
-it begins with a burden
-the challenge for those of us in leadership is what is clear in your head has to be clear to everyone else
- they have to know what the win looks like
- they have to know what success looks like in your vision
1. State it simply
- can you state it quickly and memorable
What is the one sentence job description that explains your church
2. Cast it convincingly (nehemiah 2)
define the problem
offer a solution
and explain why now
(if people don't feel the weight of the problem they will never buy into the solution)
What would go undone if your church ceased to exist?
3. Repeat it regularly
Find out what the rhythm of your church (when do the most people come) and tell them the vision of your church ALL THE TIME (Vision doesn't stick, it leaks)
4. Celebrate it systematically
- put people in front of the congregation that demonstrate and embody that vision (testimonies)
5. Embrace it personally and publicly

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