Monday, June 19, 2006


I love this humorous top ten list I came across. It is the Ten most commonly used phrases by dads as they are raising their kids.
10. This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me.(As kid, I’m thinking- then let’s just not do it.)
9. Don’t forget to bring back the change.
8. Get off that before you kill yourself—on second thought, go ahead.
7. I don’t know. Ask your mother.
6. Be quiet. I’m trying to watch the game.
5. Why? Because I said so, that why!
4. Shut up, before I give you something to cry about.
3. Just wait until you have kids
2. You are going. And you’re going to have fun.
1. When I was your age I walked 5 miles to and from schooleveryday-and it was uphill both ways.

A teenager asked his dad for a car and his dad said, “First, get a job, then read a passage out of the Bible every day, and cut your hair.”
After some time the boy again approached his dad and said, “I got a job; I read a passage from the Bible every day. Now, can I get a car?” The dad replied, “But you didn’t cut your hair.” To which the boy replied, “Jesus had long hair.”
The dad replied, “Son, if you read the Bible, you will know that Jesus also did a lot of walking.”

Raising kids can be challenging at times. But it is also one of the greatest privileges a person could ever experience.

How can we make the most of this awesome opportunity?

One of the greatest ways that we teach our children is by example and inspiration. Godliness is often more caught than taught. Our children will embrace the values we live far more than the values we lip.

I read the story of a farmer who had toiled over a bumper crop of grain - a badly needed crop that was going to pay off many creditors and secure the family for another year. But just a few days before it was due to be harvested a freak wind and hail storm ravaged the property, and the harvest was lost. The man stood with his little boy looking over the fields of destroyed grain. The boy expected to hear his father cursing in despair. But instead his Dad began to softly sing: “Rock of Ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee.” Years later that boy, grown into manhood, said: “That was the greatest sermon I ever heard!”

God has a plan for every child. It is every parent’s privilege to help their kids discover God’s will for their lives and inspire them to pursue it successfully. Our example and inspiring words can go a long way toward that objective.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Garage Sales

Today my family is having a garage sale. WOW, Is that a lot of work.

We have spent the last couple of weeks going through every room, looking for the items that no longer fit (quit laughing), are played with (Remember Woody from Toy Story), or used. It is amazing the amount of things that you accumulate. These things that we just can't live without are now sitting on a table with a .25 cent sticker on them.

I have found that having a garage sale can be a very emotional time. There are many items that bring me back to a specific moment in my life. My first set of golf clubs, the bike that all of my kids learn to ride on, the stereo equipment that I just had to have, my ski equipment that brought years of exciting mogel runs and black diamond hills. With every thing that sells, there is a part of my past that I am reliving. A part of my life that I sometimes wish I could have back.

I also find that in having a garage sale, I realize that most of us in our society have too much stuff. The Bible is so true with it's statement that we should learn to be content with what we have. Do you and I buy things out of boardem, greed, want. There are so many things that I could have lived without. How much more could I have given to the Lord.

With all that in mind, I hope when it comes to the end of the day that there is nothing left! WOW would that make my day.

Happy Garage Saling!

The Helper

Last Sunday my sermon in church was about the Holy Spirit; More specifically how the Holy Spirit is there to help us in life. I always start my day by asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide my steps and my conversation.

Here is a perfect example of how He works in my life. Last week I received an email regarding a pastors wife in Minnesota that was having surgery on her spinal cord. The surgery took place last week at the University of Minnesota Fairview Hospital. On Monday I went to visit a member of my church at this hospital. Unfortunately I forgot about visiting this pastor and his wife. (My memory isn't quite as good as it use to be) After I left Sam's* room, I went to the Men's room to wash my hands. As I was standing at the automatic hand dryer, in walks this Pastor. I was so suprised! We had a great conversation and I learned that his wife was getting out of the hospital that day. Friends, that was a divine appointment by the Holy Spirit.

As I walked outside the hospital to leave, I saw a very familiar looking couple walking in. My brain went into quick overdrive and then it occured to me who it was. This couple are Pastor's in Minnesota. I said "Hi", and asked them what they were doing there. He said, "We came to visit Joe*".

I knew Joe well, but didn't realize that he was in this hospital. Joe has gone through a major physical battle over the last several years. He is a pastor of a new church plant in Minnesota, about 25 minutes from me.

I turned around and went with this couple to visit and pray with Joe.

As I left the hospital that day, I was so amazed and appreciative for the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. He was guiding my every step.

The Holy Spirit is your partner, called along side you to help you in every area of your life.

Jesus said to His disciples, “I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” John 16:7

* Names changed for privacy.