Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Congratulations Flyers and Flyer Fans

Although the Flyers fell short in their effort to overcome the #2 seed, St. Thomas Academy, they played their hearts out and made us Flyer fans proud! (I will make no comment regarding the zebra's on the floor) :)
(Rachel Loukinen & Andrew Thompson)

I am also thrilled with the number of Little Falls fans that turned out. We can be proud of the community support demonstrated for all the teams that have gone on to participate at the state level. It's like a family reunion as past alum from around the state converge together with Little Falls citizens to cheer on the purple.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Chase the Lion

New Series coming to Living Hope!

Starting Sunday, March 30, (Which is the day Living Hope Little Falls will go to two services) we will begin the series, "Chase the Lion". This series is based upon a little known story in the Bible. It is found in 2 Samuel 23:20-21.

Mark Batterson, pastor of National Community Church wrote a book based on this story. His book is entitled, "In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day". We have ordered some books that will be for sale at church this coming week. Mark and his wife grew up in Naperville, Illinois, attending the church were I did my ministry internship.

Some of the topics we will be looking at are:Defying Odds, Fear Factor, Overcoming Adversity, Embracing Uncertainty, Taking Risks, Seizing Opportunity and Looking Foolish.

We will be encouraging our Life Groups to use this series for April & May.


Do You Believe in Miracles?

(Photos by Paul Middlestaedt)

On Wednesday night the Little Falls Flyers Boys Basketball team overcame the odds and beat St. Cloud Apollo on a last second tip in by Dan Kornbaum. The Flyers are now on their way to the Minnesota state tournament.

It was an incredible team effort that allowed the Flyers to win this game.

Congratulations to members of Living Hope, Ron & Dan Kornbaum and Pastor Bobby (Assistant Coach). We are so proud of your efforts.

Last night Dan and another player, Ethan, were over to our house to play video games with my son Mark. Mark decided to do something pretty funny. He had Dan autograph his picture that was on the cover of the St. Cloud Times, and Ethan his, which appeared in the sports section.

Congratulations Flyers!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Backstrom Brothers

Don't miss this Sunday at Living Hope!

This weeks topic in our "Nothing's Too Hard for God" series is "No loss is too difficult". I have invited a family from my hometown of Farmington to share their incredible story. A few years ago, three brothers were traveling home when they were struck by a young man who had been drinking, driving too fast and talking on a cell phone. Two of the Backstrom brothers died at the scene. The third one was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Their mom, dad and two brothers will be sharing their story of faith on Sunday, 9:30 at Rice and 10:30 at Little Falls. I strongly encourage you to invite your friends.

To read more about their story go to