Last Sunday my sermon in church was about the Holy Spirit; More specifically how the Holy Spirit is there to help us in life. I always start my day by asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide my steps and my conversation.
Here is a perfect example of how He works in my life. Last week I received an email regarding a pastors wife in Minnesota that was having surgery on her spinal cord. The surgery took place last week at the University of Minnesota Fairview Hospital. On Monday I went to visit a member of my church at this hospital. Unfortunately I forgot about visiting this pastor and his wife. (My memory isn't quite as good as it use to be) After I left Sam's* room, I went to the Men's room to wash my hands. As I was standing at the automatic hand dryer, in walks this Pastor. I was so suprised! We had a great conversation and I learned that his wife was getting out of the hospital that day. Friends, that was a divine appointment by the Holy Spirit.
As I walked outside the hospital to leave, I saw a very familiar looking couple walking in. My brain went into quick overdrive and then it occured to me who it was. This couple are Pastor's in Minnesota. I said "Hi", and asked them what they were doing there. He said, "We came to visit Joe*".
I knew Joe well, but didn't realize that he was in this hospital. Joe has gone through a major physical battle over the last several years. He is a pastor of a new church plant in Minnesota, about 25 minutes from me.
I turned around and went with this couple to visit and pray with Joe.
As I left the hospital that day, I was so amazed and appreciative for the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. He was guiding my every step.
The Holy Spirit is your partner, called along side you to help you in every area of your life.
Jesus said to His disciples, “I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” John 16:7
* Names changed for privacy.
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