Monday, March 02, 2009

Life Groups

I like to read the blogs of other pastors. I often find that I am challenged, encouraged and gather great insight.

Craig Groeschel, pastor of Lifechurch recently wrote something in his blog that I want to pass on to you. It really echoes how I feel about Life Groups.

"I still love small groups because:

  • They follow the early church model of meeting in homes.
  • They are a tremendous tool for discipleship. I prefer small groups to Wednesday night large group teaching because it gives people a chance to interact. I prefer small groups to Sunday School simply because you don’t have to build the expensive extra classroom space.
  • They get more people involved using their gifts of hospitality, teaching, exhortation, etc.
  • They engage the body of Christ in pastoral care. Instead of the pastors being the only ones who care for believers, small groups spread the load and utilize gifted lay people.
  • They build leaders.
  • Done well, they become a tremendous tool of retention. People want to be needed and known. Small groups make both possible.
  • They have unlimited meeting space. You can’t run out of homes, restaurants, apartments, or coffee shops in which to meet.
  • They have unlimited meeting times. In today’s busy world, a once-a-week discipleship opportunity will not work for the majority of your church. Small groups offer unlimited times to meet.
  • They have changed my life. My family’s small group is like our extended family. God has used them to bless us in untold ways."

At Living Hope Church, we have found that Life Groups have brought just that, "Life"! People connecting, sharing, growing, worshiping, loving and reaching out. I am so blessed by the leaders and those who open up their homes. The leaders of these groups have become an extension of our pastoral team. It has provided an avenue for us to carry out much of the mission of our church and a way for people to be ministered to and to minister.

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