Saturday, November 03, 2007


Today was the opening of the firearms deer season and as you can see by the title, I was skunked. My daughter Kelsey and I occupied one stand and my son Mark was in another stand. Mark didn't see anything, Kelsey and I saw three big does. Unfortunately the three does were across the road in a posted "No Hunting" area. They were coming our way when the first doe stopped dead in her tracks. "Come on, come on come on" I thought. Suddenly it turned and ran back to the woods from wince it came. The other two followed right behind. I think it picked up our scent (not that we smell or anything) because the wind was blowing from our direction to theirs.

My title is not as true as it sounds. Today I really wasn't skunked. I was able to sit in the deer stand for hours with my daughter. At one point we both got the giggles. We couldn't stop laughing for anything. We may have scared a few deer away but we made some memories that will always be with us.

1 comment:

sarah :) said...

I love listening to the Thompson family laugh! :D
And, about the "Heroes" post, you & Darla are 2 of mine. Thank you.