Sunday, May 24, 2009


Today after church I was thinking, "Memorial weekend, I've got to grill at least once". I thought I would check to make sure I had enough propaine and that everything was working fine. Was I suprised. As you can see from the picture, everything was rusted out. I went to buy some "universal" parts only to find out my grill must not be from this universe.

Have you ever been saving up for a certain item, only to have something break down and need to be replaced. Sometimes it's so hard to get ahead.

If anyone knows of a good grill that you are happy with, please leave me a comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that we had T-Bone steaks on our grill on Memorial Day. My dad just got a charcoal grill. I even think that's what is called not sure. The cool thing was that they had a Jesus track inside the box. Never heard of that. Grilling for Christ!!LOL. Good luck on the grill. Let us know when we need to come over for the grilled food.