Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Deathbed Conversions

Good Friday is just a couple of days away. Every year in Little Falls, several churches gather together to have a combined service. We have three different pastors preach, each taking one point. This year I get the privilege of sharing the third point. Our theme is "It". Missed it, Dropped it, Caught it. For the my topic, "Caught It", I will be sharing about the thief on the cross, who repented of his sins just prior to his death. This certainly brings up a lot of interesting questions about deathbed conversions. You'll have to come on Friday to Living Hope to hear it all or listen to the message at www.livinghope.podomatic.com . I would like to share one simple word that captures the heart of God. The word is "grace". Many may feel as if the criminal didn't deserve to hear Jesus say, "Today, you will be with me in paradise", but if he did deserve it, that wouldn't be grace. I for one am thankful for His amazing grace.

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