Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I'm a proud dad! No, My wife and I didn't just have a baby. I do have four children though, and am so proud of each of them. This past week they were able to use their talents in various Christmas programs. My eldest daughter was the main actress in our church Christmas program and our younger daughter was right there with her. They both did a great job with their lines and singing. My youngest son suprised me and my wife, when at his first grade concert, he steps to the mic and sings an awesome duet, and also performs a solo in our church Christmas concert. To top it all off, our oldest son had a band concert. He plays the saxophone, and on one of the songs performed by the jazz band, he startled us by performing a solo. He hit every note. Wow, he sounded good.

I'm so thrilled that my kids received my talents!!

For those of you who know me, you are wondering what I'm talking about. If I must confess, music is not where my talents are. My kids actually take after my wife. I could spend all day wishing I could sing like them or play an instrument as well as they do. I've come to realize that everyone has their gifts and talents. The unfortunate thing is that we usually find ourselves comparing ourselves to everyone else. We waste more time trying to be like somebody else.

God has given each of us different talents. What would happen if everyone would focus on what they can do well, and stop trying to be like the next person?

You are unique in all of creation. You are special to God! Find what you love and are gifted at and use your talents for the Lord.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Shop 'til You Drop

Yesterday my wife and I finished up our Christmas shopping. The saying, "shop 'til you drop" has a whole new meaning to me. It's not because I was exhausted by the end of the day, but because of something I witnessed, twice.
A couple of days ago central Minnesota had about 7-8 inches of snow. Parking lots are slushy and floors are like wading pools around here.
In two different stores I witnessed an elderly person hit a wet spot on the floor and start to slip. Fortunately they were both able to catch themselves before hitting the floor. I never thought of "Shop 'til you drop" like that before.

Life often has a few slick spots along the way. We are walking along and suddenly, wham, we are hit with the unexpected. Someone calls with bad news. You have an important meeting and five minutes before, influenza hits. I'm sure you can think of several occasions when the unexpected has caught you off guard.

I want to share with you my LIFE VERSE. It sure helps me when the unexpected occurs.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas is Giving

I am so proud of the people that I pastor. Over the last several weeks, individuals and families of our church have taken Christmas stockings and filled them for needy boys and girls. This week we were able to distribute 100 overstuffed stockings. I wish I could see the expression on the faces of the children as they dig to the bottom. These stockings are filled with things like; crayons, dolls, flashlights, electronic gadgets and a Bible. Yes, thanks to the "Gideon's", every stocking has a bible.

Giving is so much FUN!

The Bible is so right on when it says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive"! Wow, what a blast.

If you're entering into the Christmas season fealing depressed, why don't you find someone that you can bless. Do it in SECRET, it's a lot more fun when they don't know where it came from.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

An American Hero

On Monday I conducted a funeral for a young marine who was killed in Iraq. I would have to say that I did some quick learning on the life of a marine. I was fascinated to see the many similarities of the marine life and the life of a follower of Jesus.

*The marines have a saying "Semper Fi" which means "always faithful".
I never knew that when a marine is killed in battle another marine is always by his side. Whether in the morgue, the flight home, the visitation or the funeral; a marine is always by the side of his fellow soldier.
*God says in Hebrews 13:5 "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you".
I have learned that God is always faithful. He doesn't promise us that everything in life will always be perfect, but He has promised us that He will always be there. He is faithful, dependable, trustworthy.

*Marines learn from the beginning of boot camp that it's not about you, it's about us. You watch out for your buddy and they watch out for you.
In the civilian world, most everyone looks out for themselves. Not a marine. Marines go into harms way because the big picture is more important than the individual.
*The Bible teaches us to "Love your neighbor as yourself". To think of others before we think our ourselves.

*Military life is sometimes refered to as "being in the service". Service sounds like a noun. It's something people belong to. But actually it's a verb. Service is something we do. That's what motivated the young marine. He loved people and he would do anything for anybody.
*Being a Christian is all about service as well. We get our marching orders from our example, Jesus Christ. Matthew 20:28 says, "Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."

I learned a lot of great things from this young marine. I also have a renewed appreciation for the men and women who serve our country. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

fixing problems

Have you ever wanted to be able to snap your fingers and have peoples problems go away? (Including your own) Most every day I have the priviledge of working with people. There are many times that I wish I could instantly fix their problems and make their pain go away. I do what I can, and part of what I can do is pray. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe that God always hears us when we call out to Him. I could never do what I do if it wasn't for a love for people and a belief in powerful God who cares for us.