Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Surround Yourself by Truth-Tellers

Today I read an article regarding leaders surrounding themselves with people that will tell them the truth. Part of the article stated, "It is extremely important for leaders gather people around who are willing and not afraid to tell them the truth. It can be deadly for a leader to be surrounded by individuals who will blindly march in lock-step. This usually because those kinds of team members are either too fearful, timid or really do not care what happens to the ministry. They are also easy to find and few organizations need any more than they already have. Leaders need to be secure enough in who they are to seek to gather around them people who give them diverse and honest opinions so the leader you can make the best possible directional decisions".
Ralph Heath, Leaders Must Surround Themselves With Fearless People, 4/17/09

After reading this article I took some time to evaluate who is currently surrounding me, speaking into my life. Do I give them the freedom, the right, the opportunity to tell me the truth, from their perspective, without facing any negative consequences?
Am I afraid to hear the truth?

I realize that everyone has a blind-side. There are things that we just can't see or perhaps refuse to see. It is a real blessing to have people that care enough for me, that feel our relationship is secure enough, that they will share with me things I don't see.

Whether you view yourself as a leader or not, we all need to have people in our lives that will have the freedom to speak the truth to us.

"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ". Ephesians 4:15 (NIV)

Take a moment and ask yourself, "who surrounds me and have I given them the permission to speak truth into my life".

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