Thursday, February 05, 2009

There is a great website that I want to introduce you to. It is called GodRev’s vision is to use the latest technology to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ worldwide, in partnership with Christian organizations and churches. Their desire is to expand the ministry to the thirty-five most-used languages on the Internet in the next ten years, exposing 250 million people to the Gospel, and helping 25 million people come to Jesus as a result of this effort.

When someone finishes going through the pages explaining God's love and desires for them, they are presented with a written prayer. This prayer expresses a desire to change their life from one in rebellion against God, to one living with God. When a visitor decides to pray this prayer of repentance, they have the option of clicking on a button labeled "Yes, I have just prayed this prayer." At this point, they are listed as having made a decision for Jesus.

It is a website where you can watch in real time the people who are praying to receive Jesus-Christ through there web ministry. It works in conjunction with google. Google will fly you all over the world to the persons location in 3-d.

When you watch it for a while, you can't help but say, "Praise the Lord". It is so cool to see people from China to Russia, Africa to the U.S. giving their heart to the Lord.

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