Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year Resolution

It's day one of the new year. Most of us at least think about the desired changes that we want to see happen in 2009. The difficult part is moving our lives from the state of desire to the follow through that we long for. Whether its diet, exercise, paying off debt or spending more time with those we love, we must discipline ourselves to develop a plan of action that will allow us to carry out our great intentions.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I have found that the foundation habit that affects all areas of my life is my time spent in God's presence. It seems like when this area is neglected, the other areas of my life follow.

Since it’s the time of the year that many of us make New Year’s resolutions, I wanted to encourage you to join me in reading through the Bible in 2009.

If you need a place to get started, you can follow the reading plan on YouVersion. It’s extremely convenient since you can read the Bible for free from an iPhone, iPod, BlackBerry, web-enabled phone, or any computer connected to the Internet.

Now that you're done reading my blog for today go ahead and click on the YouVersion link above. Why not start now?

May God bless you in 2009!

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