Saturday, August 23, 2008


A month ago we began the process of removing several trees in our yard. The first few days we cut down about 25-30. Today we brought the total to 54!

As you look at these pictures you can begin to see the transformation of our yard take place.

Why take down so many trees? Tonight I am actually wondering. I'm stiff and soar! When we moved into this house almost five years ago we thought the "woods" in the back yard was pretty sweet. As the kids have grown we realized that their play area was quite small because of all the trees. The pine trees where planted so close that were looking pretty bad. Several of them were actually dieing. The plan was put into place and the transformation has begun.

We have a vision of a beautiful lawn, an area for a swimming pool, a small baseball/football field, a volleyball court and an area to have a fire. Today I'm tired and feel like leaving the yard as is. I would, but the vision spurs me on to complete the transformation.

My life can be like that. I know that I am a work in progress, being transformed a little at a time. There are moments when I am tired and think it would be easier to stay as I am. The vision that God has given me compels me to press on. To see what the finished product will be if I finish the race, if I allow God to transform me to be more like Jesus.

I love what the Bible says about Jesus. "Who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross". What an example of having a vision and pressing on through the pain to experience the joy.

PS If you have any expertise in making my lawn look like the 13th hole at Augusta National, give me a call.

More pictures will follow as the work continues on.