Monday, September 18, 2006

Living Hope Rice

If you look at the time span between this blog and my last one, you might be wondering what happened to me. Part of the time I was on a relaxing two week vacation, but most of the time I have been consumed with giving birth. Not literally thank the Lord! This past Sunday, after a couple of years of casting vision and planning, the church that I pastor went to two meeting locations. The last two months has been crunch time. The UPS and Fed Ex guys are dropping off packages almost daily. I think we can add them to our membership list soon. With all of the audio/visual stuff ordered, it's been like Christmas around here.

I am so proud of my staff and the people of Living Hope. They have really stepped it up to make this dream of the Lord's a reality. Our first service in Rice had 68 people attending. This was not an announced service. We are having two "practice" services prior to our grand opening on October 1.

It was very different at our Little Falls Campus on Sunday. I think some people thought, "where is everybody". Although it was down in attendance I was excited. For many years our church has filled to the 80% "stop growing barrier" and we had stopped growing. I believe that with the newly available seats, God is going to be bringing in pre-Christians who will become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Did we make some mistakes? Absolutely. Are we done making mistakes? No way. If we never make a mistake we are probably not doing anything. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained".