On Saturday morning my oldest daughter came up from her bedroom and was complaining that she had a headache. I too was experiencing the same thing, along with dizziness (more than the usual). An hour later my youngest daughter came upstairs stating that she did not feel good. All of the sudden she's running to the bathroom to throw up. I thought,"What's going on?Are we all getting the flu"?Later , I called the kids to come up for lunch. My wife was at a ladies seminar and my oldest son had spent the night at a friends. I was the cook and I had prepared a great meal, frozen pizza! When my oldest daughter came up from the basement she looked exhausted. She sat down at the kitchen counter and rested her head. As I turned to get something I heard a loud bang. I turned around and found her on the floor. She had passed out. As I approached her, I knew that something was terribly wrong. Her eyes started to roll up into her head and she began to convulse. "Dear God", I thought, "What's going on?" Suddenly she went totally limp. She was not responsive. I thought she was dying. I ran to get the phone and dialed 911. After a couple of rings they answered and I began to explain my situation. A few moments later my daughter began to open her eyes. She stood up and asked, "What happened"? I told 911 to never mind the ambulance, I was bring her into the hospital myself.
As we frantically prepared to go, my youngest daughter came up from the basement crying and saying that she did not feel good. My three kids and I drove to the hospital. Half way there it dawns on me. I think we have carbon monoxide poisoning.
After blood work on all four of us, they confirmed my suspicions. All four of us had carbon monoxide poisoning.
God has certainly reminded me of several things through this.
1. People matter most.
I could have cared less about my possessions, status or successes, what mattered most was my family. I have always been a hugger, now more than ever. I realize how fast life can change. I had a wake up call to the things that matter most.
2. We must be ready to die.
We never know when that time may come. Some people say, "I have time" or "I'll decide later". The Bible says, "Now is the time of salvation". If you haven't given your life to Jesus, now would be a great time. I'm thankful that my entire family was ready.
3. He is my protector.
Psalms 138:7 (NIV) 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me.
4. Have a good, working carbon monoxide detector.
A digital one the reads the parts per million and that says "nighthawk" on the package is the best according what I've been told.
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