I just finished reading "Soul Print", my twelfth book of 2011. Mark Batterson, Pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C., is the author. I have read his other books and have had the church I pastor, Living Hope, journey through the material in our Life Groups. Well, Living Hope, get ready because this will definitely be another series and Life Group topic in the near future.
In "Soul Print", Mark shares about the joy of discovering who you are and who you're not. By focusing in on God you then discover who you are created to be. Mark shares about five defining moments in your life that will determine your destiny. I love the sentence on the back cover of the book that reads, "God would like to introduce you to yourself".
If you attend Living Hope Church I strongly encourage you to go out and purchase the book today. Don't wait until we start "Soul Print" as a church, enjoy it and live it today.