Merry Christmas from the Thompson's
Friday, December 28, 2007
Celebrating Christmas
Merry Christmas from the Thompson's
Thursday, December 20, 2007
License to Drive!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
It's A Wonderful Life
I invite you to come on Sunday morning and be inspired about the value and impact your life makes and the incredible impact that Jesus Christ makes in our world. If you can't make it, you can always listen at
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Golden Compass
On Dec. 7 film The Golden Compass (starring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig) opens in theaters. Although I have not previewed the movie, based on what I hear, I want to discourage those of you reading this blog from going to see this film. Instead of writing my viewpoint on this film, I have provided a link that will go in depth regarding the background of "The Golden Compass".
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
No Perfect People Allowed
I just finished reading a life changing book that I want to recommend to everyone. John Burke, pastor of Gateway Community Church in Austin, TX and president of Emerging Leadership Initiative, wrote this book about reaching out to a post-Christian America.
The book is directed to the church and how we are called to become the healing Body of Christ in the world. John says, "If you are going to minister to emerging generations, you must create a culture where broken people are welcome and healing happens". He goes on to say that "in a postmodern culture, the messenger is the message. How we are perceived is every bit as important as the truth we espouse....The attitude of the church culture will either convey the person of Christ and his attitude, which was outrageously accepting of and attractive to the 'sinners' of his day, or our attitudes toward others will reinforce a stereotype that does a disservice to Jesus. Christ-followers must remember that people are not our enemy...."
This book emphasises the importance of connecting people in church and reinforces the value of small groups. At Living Hope, we call our small groups, "Life Groups". They are a place where we can be real and transparent. A place where LIFE happens!
I want to encourage you to read this book, especially if you are a Life Group facilitator at Living Hope and/or involved in any area of ministry.
One word of warning! It will be hard to put this book down. I had it in the deer stand with me. That might be why I was skunked.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Christmas Series
16th Bday
It wasn't until after dinner that Darla began to experience contractions that were enough to have us call the hospital to see what their opinion was. I remember how the evening began to grow foggier by the minute. Due to what seemed would be tough driving conditions, we thought we should start out for Anoka. We were suppose to go there because of our insurance coverage. Ah, the beauty of HMO's.
By the time we passed St. Cloud, I began to panic. My baby was coming fast. The contractions began to intensify in frequency and pain. "What are we going to do", I thought. Immediately I began to pray and speed. While I was speeding down highway 10 I prayed that I would get pulled over. I'll bet I'm a rare person to pray something like that.
God answered my prayer almost immediately. When the officer finally approached the car, he began to panic right with me. He soon gave me two options. The first was to drive the speed limit to the hospital (wasn't going to happen) and the second was to wait for an ambulance to arrive. Soon we were surrounded by vehicles with lights flashing. They rushed Darla into the ambulance and away they went. I, not knowing what hospital they were taking her to, quickly followed. 10 minutes after arriving at Monticello Hospital, Mark was born. That is a night I will never forget. THANK GOD FOR ANSWERS TO PRAYER!
Now that he is sixteen and about to get his license, I will have to give him a speech about never speeding.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Last Chance
Many have seen "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames". We have done that drama twice here at Living Hope. The same team that helped us with that is assisting us with "Last Chance".
This will be a powerful message that is sure to capture the heart of everyone who attends. Hope to see YOU!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
My title is not as true as it sounds. Today I really wasn't skunked. I was able to sit in the deer stand for hours with my daughter. At one point we both got the giggles. We couldn't stop laughing for anything. We may have scared a few deer away but we made some memories that will always be with us.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Saint Gabriel's New Addition
I have to admit that I was looking at this facility with different eyes than what I would have a year ago. At Living Hope we are preparing for a building program. With any building, it must first begin with a vision. Someone had a dream that would allow the hospital to see down the road and to understand the changes that needed to take place to provide for the best care possible. The building is not the goal of St. Gabriel's it is the tool that will allow them to accomplish their vision for a healthy community.
The question I keep pondering is, "Where is God leading us and how will we get there". My dream for Living Hope is that we can build a facility that will accomplish our vision for ministry to those that attend here and for an opportunity to be a blessing to our community.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I am currently watching the Sunday Night Football game, Packers vs. the Bears. Go Bears. Sorry for you Green Bay fans, but I like the Vike's and we need the Pack to loose.
One of the commercials was advertising the upcoming season of "Heroes". As I saw that, a question flashed across my mind. "Who are your hero's"? As much as I love sports, I really don't have too many athletes that are my hero's. If I had to pick one, Tony Dungy would have to be on the top.
My hero's have all made a personal impact on my life. They are people that have invested in me. My parents, pastors, in-laws. They don't make the weekly headlines and they don't make a lot of money. They have however made a difference.
Who is your hero and why? Perhaps another question is, "Who's hero are you"? Is there somebody that you are investing in? Somebody that God has called you to make a difference in.
Be somebody's hero.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Anniversary Celebration
Special thanks to Roger Stacey who shared an inspiring message at both locations. To hear what he had to say, go to Another thank you to Joe Varner who donated 325 steaks, 50 brats and 50 hot dogs and to Tim, from Fergus who did some awesome grilling.
Sunday was also a time of planting the seeds of vision. We are really wanting to step up to the next level of ministry to central Minnesota and are talking about a building program that would accommodate that vision. Please pray for us! Pray that we would hear from the Lord and have the faith to take the steps of obedience that are necessary.
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Barbarian Way
I have 40 pages to go and I am anxious to devour them all. I love a book that you can't put down and that challenges me to move out of the status quo.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Lake Geneva
It was two years later that I again found myself at the altar, responding to an invitation to find God's will for my life. After praying for a while, two friends from church came behind me, laid their hands on me and began to pray for me. It was at that moment that God spoke to my heart and called me into full time ministry.
Two reasons why I share about Lake Geneva today. The first one is that I was thinking about camp today because my two oldest children are their, attending the Minister's Kids Retreat. I am praying that there lives will be touched as mine was. I just remembered how my daughter was called to be a missionary to Africa this past summer at camp.
The second reason is because I am serving on the Executive Committee for Lake Geneva's capital campaign. We are attempting to raise around 4.5 million dollars to renovate the Lakeview center and to build a new cafeteria that will also have meeting rooms, snack bar and youth game room. If you would like to donate to this "life impacting" project, just send me an email. I would love to visit with you regarding your involvement.
Friday, September 07, 2007
In this new series we are going to be talking about communicating our faith in a style that fits who you are. In a way that you will enjoy. Now that I can handle. That, I WANT TO DO!
"Being a contagious Christian does not mean becoming something odd we do not want to be, or something great we may never be. Rather, each of us can be ourselves and let God work through the natural styles He has given us." p. 54, "Becoming a Contagious Christian"
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Church Managment Software
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Do Not Give Up
I pray that God will richly bless Marion for her faithfulness and will spread the desire for prayer to some more men and women of the church I pastor.
No prayer, no power!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I'm Back
It's always good to have a little time away, but it's equally as good to get home and back into the saddle. There are a lot of things coming up at Living Hope. Over the next few days I will try and highlight a number of them.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Contagious Joy!
There is nothing like a brand new believer in Jesus. To think that God would send His only son to die on the cross for our sins and instead of punishing us He forgives us and gives us a brand new start. Wow! God is so awesome. I was personally challenged last night to make sure that I am in a constant attitude of appreciation and wonder in regards to the grace and mercy of God.
Something else that brought me joy was to watch a man from our church, Mike Neyssen, lead this ministry. He is a pastor to these wonderful people. He encourages them, pushes them, teaches them, prays for them and loves them. Mike is a former bar owner and alcoholic who has experienced an incredible transformation through Jesus Christ. It was a privilege to have him along side me as together, we baptized these wonderful people.
If you are struggling with an addiction and would like some help, contact Mike Neyssen at 632-5022 or Alcoholics Victorious meets every Wednesday, 6 PM at the AA building in Little Falls. (Corner of 5th & 5th NW)
Friday, July 20, 2007
AG General Superintendent
With this surprising announcement, this years general council meeting in August will prove to be very interesting. I would ask that everyone be in prayer as the council votes in our next leader. I personally think that my Minnesota superintendent would do an outstanding job, but I am selfish and want to keep him here.
There is a blog sight set up to encourage discussion regarding this vote. You can check it out at
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Corner Coffee Grand Opening
I want to brag about a former teen who attended Living Hope. Scott Woller is now Married (Amber) and has two beautiful girls. He group up in the small town of Upsala where he was greatly influenced by his high school football coach, Jim Drill. Jim attends Living Hope and that is how Scott connected with us. After attending Evangel University and then becoming a Youth Pastor in Lubbock, Texas, the Lord has led him to downtown Minneapolis. From Upsala to Minneapolis, God works in mysterious ways.
Scott and Amber have a dream to have a church on several corners of downtown Minneapolis and beyond. Thus their church is called CornerChurch. Their goal is to share the love of Jesus to the residents of Minneapolis through a coffee ministry. This week they are holding the grand opening of Corner Coffee, located at 514 N 3rd Street, Mpls. Scott has already spent several hours in this building sharing his faith. Corner Coffee is meeting in the former Montana Coffeehouse. The place where Corner Church was holding their services. They were provided an opportunity to purchase this company and lease the building.
For more information regarding CornerChurch and Corner Coffee, go to
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Thank You Troops
I can't begin to imagine the emotions that our troops are facing. To be reunited with family and friends, and for some of them, to see children that were born while they were deployed.
As a church we have done some things to help military families and have sent care packages overseas. All of that seems so small compared to the sacrifice they have made.
God bless you and welcome home!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
"Miracles" Series
Join us for our new series at Living Hope. If you missed the first two, they will be available at by the middle of this week. Click on media, then audio sermons.
July 15 | "Poolside Miracle" |
July 22 | "Raising Lazarus from the Dead" |
July 29 | "Water to Wine" |
Aug. 5 | "Opening Blind Eyes" |
Colorado Vacation
Here are a few pictures to enjoy!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Race the Light
She's Graduated!
Meeting the Governor
Last Friday also happened to be the day that my father retired. My dad drove a bulk milk truck since he was born; well almost. He started when he was about 16, working for my grandfather. What he did faithfully for many years was important, who he is as a father and grandfather is what really matters. Thanks dad, I'm looking forward to spending a lot more time with you.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
Kidneys Needed
Any single mother of two has enough on her plate. Being in a new city with few friends or even acquaintances makes life a little harder. Add to that failing kidneys and life can become overwhelming.
But, that's exactly what Roshanda Keller is dealing with right now.
The 25-year-old mother of two boys moved to Little Falls a year ago, leaving her home in Indiana.
Having worked in a nursing home for three years in Indiana, she saw people suffer through dialysis and didn't want to have to go through the same thing. "At first I told them no," she said. But, two weeks ago she was forced to begin kidney dialysis, or die.
Roshanda explained she's been having problems with her kidneys for six years, especially during the times she was pregnant. But, she said, the problems would always go away. She was diagnosed as having focal sclerosis. "That is when your body attacks your kidneys and treats them like foreign matter," she said.
The disease is not hereditary, and doctors have no idea what caused it, she said.
Roshanda was treated with steroids to keep her kidneys from failing. In October 2006 she felt sick, couldn't get out of bed, and was really "kind of out of it," she said. Her mother called from Indiana and insisted Roshanda see a doctor.
Her blood sugar was very high, and she was taken to the intensive care unit. The steroids, she said, caused diabetes. During the time in the hospital Roshanda lost her vision for over a month. Her mother traveled 14 hours by bus to stay for three weeks, but had to leave just before Christmas.
Her sons Arrione, 4, and Rayshawn, 6, are in preschool and kindergarten. "The boys are having problems in school," Roshanda said, "They get very upset."
She told of an instance where Rayshawn told his teacher he would be going to live with his granny when his mother died.
Rayshawn made a book in school, with the help of advisors in the Bridges program, that talked about illness. Roshanda said helped her son understand the situation a little better.
Roshanda's mother is dealing with her younger sisters in Indiana and cannot come back to Minnesota at this time. Roshanda has also been advised by her physician, Dr. Cowardin, not to work.
People at the Living Hope Assembly of God Church have been good to her, Roshanda said, and she is grateful for their help.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays find Roshanda going through the four-hour dialysis routine. She said after the treatment she feels sick and very tired, unable to do things with her boys that she used to. "I spend a lot of time sleeping," she said. Roshanda will have to continue dialysis until a kidney transplant can be done.
With her kidneys functioning at only 13 percent, Roshanda is on a transplant list. Three times they thought they found a match, but two failed a crossmatch. The third that passed both tests, fell through due to other medical problems.
Anyone who has type A or O blood, and would like to be tested can contact Patty Evans at the Hennepin County Transplant Center, (612) 215-2904.
Those who would like to help, without donating a kidney, can contact Pam Phelps, a member of the Living Hope Assembly of God congregation. Phelps has been working with other members of the church to aid Roshanda. "Things like helping with laundry, daycare while she's in dialysis, a meal, any little thing," Phelps said. "She's got a big load to carry." Phelps can be reached at (320) 632-4618.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Caught in the Act
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Lessons From Golf
Today I picked up my son after school and drove him to the golf course for his team practice. I had about an hour before I needed to get my girls from their volleyball and softball practice so I thought I would hit the driving range. It was a beautiful day and I was itching to start swinging. I've never been that great at golf. Every round I get a few good shots that keep me coming back for more punishment. I've wished that I could have someone teach me a few things to improve my game. Today was that day. After purchasing some range balls I walked to the driving range and there he was. Charlie had recently talked to my wife about giving us some golf tips and today we happened to both be there at the same time.
He watched my swing and then gave me three tips. 1. Change my grip, 2. Keep my head still, and 3. Keep my left arm straight, letting it become one with the shaft. It felt really awkward but it worked. My drives were going consistently straight and far.
As a Christian, I'm always applying everyday events to my walk with God. Here are a few that I gained from the driving range.
1. Change is good, being willing to change is even better, changing for the better is best.
2. God is a pro and He knows what I need to change to become more like Jesus. If I listen to what He says, I will be better for it.
3. Be teachable. The moment I think I know it all, I become ignorant.
4. Surround yourself with people that know more than you and you'll bring your game up a level.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Getting Dirty for God
The LIFE GROUP that I am a part of decided that we would do oil changes and a car wash for single moms. Josh, a member of my LIFE GROUP, owns Bill's Standard, so this turned out to be a perfect place to get dirty for God. We gathered some names from Hands of Hope and Kinship of Morrison County and away we went. As you can see from the photos, we had a great time. Along with the oil change and car wash, we provided a rose to each mom and Coborn's donated a ham, just in time for Easter.
When I serve others, I find that I often get blessed as much as those who benefit from what I do for them. It's fun fulfilling the second greatest command of Jesus. "Love your neighbor as yourself". It's even more fun when you do it with others. It's called "Doing Life Together"!
Oh, by the way, we didn't do this to get single moms to our church but we did have one attend the next day. She was so excited to have a group of people reach out to her. As she said, "This came at a perfect time". She was stressed out and overwhelmed and this was just the thing to lift her up! Who are you going to do a kind thing for today?